... towards excellence in science

An Autonomous Institution, Under the Ministry of Education, Government of India

Sushil Gorai

Associate Professor
Dept: Mathematics and Statistics (DMS)
E-mail: sushil.gorai [at]
Personal homepage: Click Here

Research Interest:

Several complex variables

Academic Background:

  1. Ph. D. (Mathematics), Indian Institute of Science, 2010
  2. M.Sc. (Mathematics), Jadavpur University, 2005
  3. B.Sc. (Mathematics), J.K. College, Purulia (University of Burdwan), 2003


  1. Associate Professor, IISER Kolkata (current)
  2. Assistant Professor, IISER Kolkata (2015 - 2021)
  3. INSPIRE Faculty Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute (2012 - 2015)

Selected Publications:

  1. Gorai, Sushil. 2017."On polynomial convexity of compact subsets of totally-real submanifolds of C^n." Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 448, 1305-1317
  2. Chakrabarti, Debraj and Gorai, Sushil. 2015."Function theory and holomorphic maps on symmetric products of planar domains." Journal of Geometric Analysis, 25, 2196-2225
  3. Gorai, Sushil. 2014."A note on polynomial convexity of the union of finitely many totally-real planes in C^2." Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 418, 842-851
  4. Gorai, Sushil. 2013."On the polynomial convexity of the union of three totally-real planes in C^2." International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN), 2013, 4985-5001
  5. Bharali, Gautam; Gorai, Sushil and Gorai, Sushil. 2011."Uniform algebras generated by holomorphic and close-to-harmonic functions." Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 139, 2183-2189

All Publications: Click Here